508-998-3001 docmbou@comcast.net

The Protocol

Our medically developed weight loss protocol and smarter lifestyle choices education offers dieters what they really want…a structured program that can put an end to constant dieting.


I am no longer an insulin dependent diabetic!

“After completing the Ideal Protein program I am proud to say I am no longer an insulin dependent diabetic, thanks Dr. B.”

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Mother of two boys age 9 and 12.


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  • Integer aliquam libero a orci condimentum, id rutrum augue vulputate.

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Alves Chiropractic/Boucher Weight Management Consultants is Authorized to Use the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and Products. The testimonials on this website are those of the individual that is identified, you should not necessarily expect to receive these results. Typical results vary from person to person and individual to individual when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.

2834 Acushnet ave New Bedford MA 02745 – Phone: 508-998-3001
Copyright © 2017 Ideal Protein All rights reserved.